3600 W. Wrightwood Ave. - Chicago, IL 60647 - 312.943.4388 - leticia@beautysoulspa.com

May update

By admin

I hope you are safe and well.
I’m vigilant over my thoughts and emotions.
These have been difficult days.
I’m so grateful for the care and support for Beauty & Soul.

It has been seven weeks since I first posted my fundraiser with a heavy heart. This support has been invaluable as it has helped me carry my responsibilities down this (relatively) long passage.

In accordance, with Illinois mandates and for the safety of our family and community, I will remain closed until Phase 4 is in action ~ Which means it could be another eight weeks before reopening (deep breathe).

As I have reached my fundraiser goal, I will continue the effort of applying for grants in hope of securing funds to help support the weeks ahead. I will continue to be vigilant over my health and also continue to update on Insta and my website. However amusing, self indulgent and shamelessly emo, I encourage You to do the same.

I’m sending SO much Love.
