3600 W. Wrightwood Ave. - Chicago, IL 60647 - 312.943.4388 - leticia@beautysoulspa.com

A private practice in service to the care and well being of the embodied Spirit through the practice of the Healing Art’s through Relaxation, Natural Skin Care and Waxing as ritual’s.

Healing Art through Relaxation could be a session of Deep Listening, where you share the happening’s and we listen, deeply, to share the reflection in your Energy body. This is a deeply relaxing as it helps your body release stress induced tension.  Relaxation could be a session of Energy Healing, where we move an energy vibration through the body that promotes stress relief and encourages unblocking the flow of vibration through the energetic body space of the Aura and the Chakra centers. Relaxation could be a session of private or group Mindfulness Meditation guidance.  Relaxation could be a session of The Blessing where the body and energy treatment unite to create an hour of deep meditative relaxation via application of beautifully crafted treatment to the scalp, hands, and feet accompanied by Energy Healing.

Healing Art through Natural Skin Care  is a Dr. Hauschka Facial session which is deeply relaxing, cleansing, nourishing and rejuvenating.  We are certified and licensed to practice Natural Skin Care and we are delighted to help guide and educate for best home care practices and provide for your home care needs.

Healing Art through Waxing is a ritual in self care among many cultures.  Taking special care to help you feel most comfortable and confident in your beautiful skin is an honored tradition.




Book your appointment for select services here:


*Deep Listening
*Energy Healing
*Guided Meditation
60min Treatment $120
90min Treatment $160
120min Treatment $200

Natural Skin Care
*Dr. Hauschka
60min Treatment $120
90min Treatment $160
120min Treatment $200

Hair Removal
Brow $40
Brow and Lip $50
Underarm $20
Full Arm $50
Bikini $50
Brazilian $80
Full Leg $100